
Five Tips for Creating an Enticing Crowdfunding Campaign

Five Tips for Creating an Enticing Crowdfunding Campaign

Whether you’re a first-time filmmaker working on a low budget, or a seasoned professional in need of an extra boost, a well-planned crowdfunding campaign can make the difference between a dream and reality.

We’ve put together five useful tips to help you stand out from the sea of campaigns and get you one step closer to bringing your project to life.

1.  Lead With A Passionate and Personal Video

The introductory video is the most efficient way of presenting who you are to your potential backers. It’s no secret that viewers connect with well-spoken and passionate filmmakers, and by getting a better sense of who you are, they are more likely to put their trust in you to pull off everything you claim you will.

Here are two examples of campaigns that utilize a passionate and personal video:

And here’s an example of a project that focuses on portraying the film’s style, rather than the personal connection:

See the difference…? At first glance, which would you be more likely to invest in - a campaign that uses a personal appeal, or standalone trailer?

Making a creative trailer is an effective way to show proof of concept and it should be included within your appeal, but remember, people invest in the team, not just the project. There’s nothing more powerful than showcasing yourself and speaking directly to the audience.

2. Offer Creative and Desirable Rewards

There are plenty of desirable rewards to offer potential backers that won’t put you out of pocket. Get creative with your ideas and aim to reward them with something meaningful that you already have access too. Some examples could be:

  • A signed screenplay
  • A downloadable link to the film’s soundtrack
  • Limited edition posters and artwork
  • iPhone wallpapers
  • Props from the shoot
  • Behind the scenes images





If your film is going to use any background artists or extras, why not offer to feature backers in the film? If they are international, you could mention their name in a dialogue scene or feature their image as a photo. Producers within the industry are always looking to gain more credits, so a great top tier reward could be to offer them an Executive Producer credit.

3. Include Eye-Catching Artwork

Your campaign is the first glimpse of who you are as a creative and the film you aim to produce. It’s often overlooked, but by presenting your idea in a visually-encaptivating way, will ultimately reflect the design and style of your film. Take the time to create headers for each section in a consistent style that truly represents the feeling and themes you want to portray through your project.

Here are some examples of campaign headers that cleverly incorporate the film's theme and style:







4. Involve The Cast And Crew

If you're at a stage where you have a cast and crew attached, feature them within your campaign. By doing so, you’ll not only be showcasing that your film is well organised, but funders will see all of the passionate, dedicated team members who are working hard to bring the project to life.

Write a little blurb about each key team member and their past successes. This will verify what you proclaim to achieve with more funding. 






5. Strategically Plan Your Updates

Backers will want to know their money has gone to a good cause. Keep them updated regularly with planned updates that will keep their faith strong. By making them feel involved, they may even donate more! Don’t be scared to post updates before the project has been fully funded, as new backers will see your dedication and will be more likely to back you. Two great examples of intriguing updates are casting announcements and a weekly sum-up of what you’ve achieved leading up to your shoot.


It’s all about gaining trust and building excitement; make audiences feel as If they need to see your film. A creative and well-planned crowdfunding campaign is the first impression of the talent involved and will showcase your ability to successfully create your masterpiece.

Here are our top 3 picks of campaigns that astoundingly surpassed their funding goal due to their inspirationally creative design and pitch:

1. WISH I WAS HERE | Feature Film





2. HAIR LOVE | Animated Short Film





3. TERRIFIER 2 | Feature Film







Looking to find a talented, passionate cast and crew to collaborate with on your next project? Reach out to actors and crew members on CastandHire, and send any Crowdfunding links over to us! We'd be happy to share and endorse.

Good luck!!

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Posted 5 years ago


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